Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fun Match - Ft. Myers River Rats

This weekend I went back down to shoot with the Ft. Myers River Rats and had a great time. This match was, by far, the most fun set of stages that I've shot yet. I heard the same statement from quite a few other more seasoned shooters as me, that is saying alot. If you are in the area, you NEED to get over one weekend and shoot with these guys!

Since this was a fun match, I decided to shoot Meine Panzer in Limited 10/Major. Since I don't have my reloading equipment right now, I went to Walmart and bought two boxes of Winchester White Box 165gr FMJs.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Match - Ft. Myers River Rats

Today I shot the a USPSA match with the Ft. Myers River Rats at the Hansen Range in Charlotte.

I took out my old-style XD9 since I didn't feel like shooting full-power .40 with the Sig. Overall, I'm extremely happy with my shooting today. I had alot of AA and AC, a couple Ds, and ZERO MISSES.

I finished 12th out of 20 shooters, but I was the only person shooting in Production Division.

The most notable stage was the classifier; which was also my first classifier. We ran CM 99-42 Fast'n Furious (see above).

Unfortunately, our squad was selected to shoot the classifier as our first stage overall. Which meant that it was the first time I had shot the XD9 in about 3 years. I'm not really happy with my accuracy (2 A, 5 C, 1 D, and 4 Steel), but my time was about what I have come to expect (13.06); for a Hit Factor of 3.5249. According to the Classifier Calculator, this ranks me at 38.73%, or just a smidge under C class. This is right where I expect to be-upper D/lower C class. If I had hit 2 more As instead of Cs I would have been at 42%...or lower C, where I expect to be for States in March.